Category: Board Games


The Fluxx 5.0 Card Game by Looney Labs is an ever-changing card game for two to six players that are eight years of age or older. To play, simply draw a single card and play a single card as you go. Be careful when you pick up that New Rule card, as this is the part where things start to get crazy. Not only do the rules constantly change in this exciting card game, but the objective of this game will always change as well while you change out one goal card for another.Number of players:2-6
Recommended ages:8+
Estimated playtime:5-30 minutes

Firefly: The Game

Firefly: The Game by Gale Force 9 is based on the cult classic Joss Whedon television show by the same name. This fun strategy game puts players in charge of their own Firefly ship, traveling the universe with their crew of handpicked travelers, mechanics and fighters. Being a captain desperate for a job, players will take on any job if it pays well. This game is a high-end tabletop board game that uses elements such as Alliance patrols with heavy hands, double-dealing, sneaky employers and Reavers for the captains of the Fireflies to wade through. This game takes around two hours to complete.Number of players:1-4
Recommended ages:13+
Estimated playtime:2 hours


Euphoria: Build a Better Dystopia by Stonemaier Games takes place in a location called Euphoria. In Euphoria, you lead a team of workers by rolling dice, and you bring in recruits by playing cards to stake your claim in a dystopian world. By playing, your character will dig tunnels into opposing locations, gather important commodities, collect old artifacts, build markets, bring to life your secret agendas and strengthen your allegiances. The Euphoria: Build a Better Dystopia Board Game can support anywhere between two and six players during its 60-minute duration.Number of players:2-6
Recommended ages:13+
Estimated playtime:60 minutes

Survive: Escape from Atlantis

Survive: Escape From Atlantis by Stronghold Games takes place on the island of Atlantis. After a group of explorers reach the city and collect their treasures, an underwater volcano has violently erupted and has sent the ancient city tumbling into the sea. These explorers must then try to avoid a doomed fate, racing against the clock to get out of the city before it’s too late. Adventurers must avoid sea creatures like sharks, whales and sea serpents that try to stop them from returning home. This game is suitable for two to four players.Number of players:2-4
Recommended ages:8+
Estimated playtime:45 minutes


Dominion by Rio Grande Games is a tactical card game suited for two to four players. Quick to learn, the game is based around you being a monarch of a small kingdom. Hoping for a better kingdom to rule, a dominion, and you know that the land around you is perfect for your rule. Unfortunately, many other monarchs are thinking the same thing about expanding their ruling area, causing you to race to get as much unclaimed land as you can while fending off these monarchs along the way. Construct buildings, hire workers and fill your treasury in Dominion.Number of players:2-4
Recommended ages:13+
Estimated playtime:30 minutes

Discworld: Ankh-Morpork

Discworld: Ankh-Morpork by Mayfair Games is a game that puts players in the role of one of seven players who want control of the city of Ankh Morpork with a secret agenda in mind. Along the path to victory, the players will encounter watchmen, thieves, assassins and wizards, all of which can change the fate of the game. This game includes a full-color game board, 79 wooden pieces, 132 colorful cards, 48 minions to use, 24 different buildings, demon markers, troll markers and more. This one-hour long game can accommodate two to four players.Number of players:2-4
Recommended ages:12+
Estimated playtime:60 minutes

Dead of Winter

Fight the undead when you play the Dead of Winter by Plaid Hat Games. This co-op game suitable for anywhere between two to five players takes place is a small, weak colony of post-apocalyptic survivors in a world where most everyone is either infected zombies or dead. Every player is the leader of a survivor faction that has many different characters within it. This psychological co-op game pits players against themselves and their own personal secret objectives, ones that could sabotage the game if not reconciled, while fighting together to ultimately stay alive.Number of players:2-5
Recommended ages:13+
Estimated playtime:90-120 minutes

Colt Express

Colt Express Board Game by Asmodee is set in the year 1899 when the Union Pacific Railroad was at its height. The Union Pacific Express is on its way to deliver a payroll and 47 passengers when suddenly the train is terrorized by bandits. Players play as these thieves that must work hard to plan ahead to choose the best cards to steal away the most loot from the train, move around the train, get away from the train’s marshall and shoot their opponents. This game features beautiful 3D train cars that are assembled before beginning the game along with wooden game pawns and striking cards.Number of players:2-6
Recommended ages:10+
Estimated playtime:30-45 minutes

Civilization: The Board Game

An adaptation of the popular video game with the same name, Civilization: The Board Game by Fantasy Flight Games lets players build empires after taking on the roles of ancient historical leaders, each of which controls a different civilization complete with their own abilities. There are four paths to victory that a leader can take, including a technologic victory, an economic victory, a military victory or a cultural victory. This game is suitable for two to four, ages 13 and up and takes around two to three hours to lead one of your characters to victory at the end of the game.Number of players:2-4
Recommended ages:13+
Estimated playtime:2-3 hours

City of Remnants

Learn how to manage your resources to win the City of Remnants Board Game by Plaid Hat Games. In this game, you play as gang leaders ravaging a desolate and destroyed world. Each of these gang leaders possesses their own unique motivations and qualities, each one fighting to rule the city, but only one can prevail and will be allowed to decide the fate of the city. Use weapons and sundries and bid for gang members to give you a number of sneaky skills. This game can accommodate two to four players for the duration of its 90-minute game time.Number of players:2-4
Recommended ages:13+
Estimated playtime:90 minutes